In The
of Cherasco
“Si dice la famiglia Ratti esser discesa dalla Francia e sin dal 1568 essere di quelle famiglie che possedevano ed abitavano castelli qui attorno a Cherasco e che, distrutti i loro castelli, vennero ad abitare in questa città, e in quetso luogo edificarono, conservando la loro antica nobiltà”
“Della Nobile Famiglia Ratti, compilata nel 1775 da Padre Giacinto Ratti”
Armorial of the Ratti family
Since the Middle Ages, the history of the Ratti family has been inseparably tied to that of the city.
Today, Palazzo Ratti remains one of the last vestiges linked by tradition to this family.
Located in the historic center of Cherasco, within the ancient city walls, the original Palazzo complex can still be recognized in the city’s distinctive Roman layout.
Church and walls and fortification tower of the medieval city of Cherasco
Page of the Codex Astensis or Malabayla. 13th century miniature. Asti, Municipal Historical Archive
The property, under the management of Silvia, has been fully renovated with the intention of preserving its origins and glorious history. The meticulous restoration has uncovered and highlighted significant historical elements tied to the city’s past.
Palazzo Ratti Boutique Rooms is a delicate tribute, made through thoughtful and respectful choices, to the history of the city of Cherasco and the Langhe region.